I want my blog to be the website and opportunity for my family members to share their stories about themselves and their families.
Think of it as a family reunion.
But it’s a family reunion without the great food, I whine, and that makes it more like a viewing or the funeral without the opportunity to go back to the house to eat what the neighbors brought in.
Back to my point about sharing family stories and telling each other what we have been doing since we saw each other last.
Please read my blog and comment to help our family converse with each other while we live so far apart and on such different schedules.
These are the ground rules for participating in my blog.
Please be patient with my learning curve for self-publishing a blog is all new to me as I am self-taught from these books: Publishing a Blog with Blogger by Elizabeth Castro; Blogging in a Snap by Julie C. Meloni; and Blogging for Dummies by Brad Hill.
I may restrict commenting privileges to family members, my friends, and some other writers.
I may restrict posting privileges to family members.
I’m not trying to make this more difficult for you to participate. I am trying to keep my family porch free from nosy neighbors, gossips and spammers so they don’t bother you when you leave the conversation.
When you comment or post a story, I won’t tolerate trollish behavior which is “specious arguments, flames or personal attacks”.
There will be no blaming others in the stories; but you are allowed to state how their behavior provoked your interpretation of how you felt AT THAT TIME (and now you are over it because it happened a long time ago).
No telling tales on others unless they are dead or have given you permission to tell that story. I prefer that you look to your own life for stories to share here. An example of permission to tell the story of others can be when Mom and Dad gave permission to me to tell family that Dad was rushed to the hospital and to keep the family posted about his swift recovery from the stroke and pacemaker implant. In that way, this can be an extension of the idea of a family phone tree or email broadcast.
Please invite other family members to read this site.
Rhys Bowen on Being an Accidental Expert
12 hours ago