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I'm a reader who enjoys posting comments and recommendations about the books I read. You will not find a synopsis with my recommendations because you can just click on the book title for a link to www.goodreads.com for a synopsis and reviews by other readers. I prefer the 3 Reason format: the reason I chose to read it; the reason I liked (or disliked) the book; and the reason I recommend it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Denmark (Eyewitness Travel Guides)Denmark by Monika Witkowska

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This guide has the port I will visit, it fits into the pocket of cargo pants or other clothing with deep pockets, it has lots of pictures and it provides websites for the recommended sights to see.

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lonely Planet Discover FranceLonely Planet Discover France by Lonely Planet Publications

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have used a lot of Lonely Planet Guidebooks but I won't be using this one.

Neither Le Havre nor Cherbourg are listed in the index. Those are the two ports I'll be visiting this year. The book gives some recommendations for the Brittany & Normandy areas so the information about the D-Day Beaches and Mont Saint-Michel was useful for my planning.

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Syren (Septimus Heap, #5)Syren by Angie Sage

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fifth book in the Septimus Heap series, and I have enjoyed all of them.

These entertaining fantasy books have great adventures that are different enough to keep readers of all ages turning pages and continuing into the next chapter. These chapter books can be read to children or nine-year olds may be able to read them by themselves. These adventures are often about problem-solving and protecting yourself and others from danger without the limits imposed by authority figures. Familiar characters return, new allies are met and new dangerous villians are introduced.

I encourage readers to start with Magyk, the first book in the series, for the protagonists age during the series and continue to use what they learn.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stuck in the Middle: A NovelStuck in the Middle: A Novel by Virginia Smith

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I received this book as a Free Friday selection, and it was still free from Nook store when I posted this review.
Sometimes the protagonists in chick lit books are too whiney for my taste, and Joan Sanderson is one of those. She is 25 years old, still living at home without paying rent, and still hurt a former boyfriend married somebody else. She feels stuck between two sisters and stuck between her mother and grandmother; and oh yes, just why doesn't she have a better relationship with God? I was disappointed at some of the judgemental comments made by the characters in the book such as some people just should not have children, and the assumption newspaper coverage of their Christian charity will spread the Word.
I don't think a spoiler alert is necessary to let you know that everything turns out alright at the end because that is a reason people read from the genre of chick lit, Christian fiction.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Burn (Anna Pigeon Mysteries, #16)Burn by Nevada Barr

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I"m read this book for I like the writing by Nevada Barr and the stories about Anna Pigeon. Anna has been on leave from National Park Service since the traumatic events in Winter Study and she is visiting an old friend who works as a singer at the New Orleans Jazz National Historic Park.

I found myself being so scared for Anna and the people who need her help that I had to skip to the end of the book for some reassurance. Barr's writing and storytelling continue to improve as she tackles the tough subjects of those who profit from illegal immigration, white slavery/prostitution of children, and corruption of some law enforcement officers. It leaves us with some questions about whether Anna will be prosecuted, or be fired from the National Park Service, or have her marriage end for going outside the law to do what is morally right.

I rate this 3 stars for I can not recommend this book to the readers enjoy the entertainment of the early books of the series.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Millie's FlingMillie's Fling by Jill Mansell

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a Free Friday selection from Barnes and Noble,and it is no longer free.

Millie's Fling is entertaining and fun. The characters are well-defined so that it is easy to care what happens to Orla, Millie, Hester, Nat, Hugh, and Con. Because it is easy to care about them, reading about how others get their comeuppance is fun.

I recommend the book to women who enjoy playful books for the entertainment.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Excuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking HabitsExcuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits by Wayne W. Dyer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

What better time to listen to an audio book titled Excuses Begone! How to change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits than in early January for it just might help me keep my resolutions. When I was worked on the resolution to put the wish list of library materials into my to-read shelf at goodreads.com, I requested it from the library.

One thing I do not like about Dyer's books is his use of quotations from many men of wisdom to prove his point. This does not provide substance to his analysis; it adds an opinion,however wise that opinion is.

There are 18 basic excuses we humans have used until we start to believe the excuses are human nature. Dyer suggests 7 questions to answer that will help invalidate the excuse. The awareness of an invalid excuse provides an opening for a new behavior that can become a better habit.

If your resolutions have already begun to falter, read or listen to this book for some encouragement that change is possible when excuses are gone.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Queste (Septimus Heap, #4)Queste by Angie Sage

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm working my way through the six-book series, and Queste is the fourth book.

This book does not disappoint as it continues the adventures of Septimus Heap and Princess Jenna. Favorite characters are back and need help from Septimus' friend Beetle and his friend Ephaniah Grebe. An adversary, Merrin, returns and asks for help from the new villian, Tertius Fume in order to Darkenen the Destiny of Septimus Heap.

The book is a Young Adult for readers age 9 and older. The series is entertaining for other fantasy readers.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's FutureAftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future by Robert B. Reich

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I read this book for an explanation about The Great Recession of 2008-2012 because I do not believe it is over. I live in a county where the unemployment rate rose past 13%, and two houses on my street went into foreclosure. I did not understand why a publicly traded company, Lehman Brothers, went from publicly traded on Friday and shareholders unable to trade on Monday because all its assets were cheaply taken over by other companies in secret negotiations sanctioned by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary. Why was the TARP agreements not fully disclosed to the public until after they were made?

I learned a great deal from the analysis by Reich, who had been on the Clinton staff. I had to read it slowly because the simple facts are enough to provoke feelings of anger. I do not agree with all of Reich's solutions that he thinks will help the middle class have enough buying power to strengthen the economy:
  • a reverse income tax that expands the Earned Income tax Credit;
  • a carbon tax;
  • a reemployment system rather than an unemployment system;
  • school vouchers based on family income;
  • college loans linked to subsequent earnings;
  • Medicare for all;
  • Public Goods;
  • and money out of politics.
The ones with which I disagree the most are a carbon tax and school vouchers based on family income for I think those would harm rural communities.

I encourage all voters to read the book in order to have some backghround for your discussions with elected officials, political candidates and friends.

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Sunday, January 08, 2012

Septimus Heap: The Magykal Papers (Septimus Heap)Septimus Heap: The Magykal Papers by Angie Sage

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
The Magykal Papers rates two stars for it adds nothing to the adventures of Septimus Heap and Princess Jenna. The book purports to be a compilation of pamphlets, journals, restaurant reviews, maps, historical information, and other never-before published papers from the world of the apprentice wizard Septimus Heap. Imaginative readers of the series do not need this information but it gives the child about something to whine she wants to complete a collection.

The good thing about this book are the illustrations of Mark Zug with additional contributions by Janelle Bender and Max Zatzuma. The work of Mark Zug gets an opportunity to expand beyond the drawings at the beginning of chapters.

I do not recommend this commercial for the website.

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Saturday, January 07, 2012

Rick Steves' Ireland 2010 (Rick Steves' Country Guides)Rick Steves' Ireland 2010 by Rick Steves

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rick Steves gives good advice so that you can set priorities for what to see whether you have a two-day itinerary in Dublin or three-weeks to see more of Ireland. He gives a primer on pub etiquette.

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Friday, January 06, 2012

Fodor's Ireland 2011 (Full-Color Gold Guides)Fodor's Ireland 2011 by Robert I.C. Fisher

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are lots of maps for walking in Dublin. I consider buying this so that I can rip out the sections I might need for the day I will be in Dublin.

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Thursday, January 05, 2012

Physik (Septimus Heap, #3)Physik by Angie Sage

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book of the Septimus Heap series, and I enjoyed it.

A new villian is the Substantial Spirit Queen Etheldredda. Favorite characters return and new characters, such as Snorri and Ullrr, are introduced. The adventures are different. Septimus wants to learn about Physik and his mentor discourages him from learning about it as long as he is the apprentice to the Extra-Ordinary Wizard, Marcia. It is a good lesson for students of any age who want to learn more than an imposed curriculm.

The series is directed for readers over the age of 9. Parents and children can enjoy it together.

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Monday, January 02, 2012

Trickle up PovertyTrickle up Poverty by Michael Savage

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I selected this book for its title and subtitle: Stopping Obama's Attacks on Our Borders, Economy and Security. There are also chapters about education, NASA, and healthcare. I was unfamiliar with its author who is a radio show host with an internet presence.

I expected a politically conservative viewpoint, and this is politically conservative with encouragement for the reader to find a platform from which to raise questions about the policies Savage discusses.

What I don't like about this book is the same thing Savage accuses "The Obama administration in pursuing the same strategy--assertion rather than argument, bullying rather than persuading--..."(p.238). This book could be half its size if he removed the insulting names he calls Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Janet Napolitano, and so on. Too often his assertions become rants rather than arguments for discussion. I understand that his target market audience may find this behavior entertaining; but I consider it to be uncivil. Uncivil behavior is just too easy for me to turn off the podcast or shut the book.

Savage makes the point "we need a conservative revolution at the ballot box; but I can't recommend this book because he bullies with name-calling and rants.

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