My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book has been part of my home library for twenty years, and I have now read four of the five books by Allan W. Eckert on my history shelves.
Eckert writes this biography of Tecumseh in his historical narrative form so that it almost reads as if it were a 678-page novel. Or it would, if 678-page novels also included 97 pages of Amplification Notes, 11 pages of Principal Sources, 6 pages of Source Codes, 29 pages of Bibliography, and 18 pages of Index. This gives you an idea of the documented research Eckert did for this narrative.
A drawback for this casual reader of history is my stumbling over the names of Tecumseh's Indian contemporaries.
I recommend this book for mature readers of history for a great deal of graphic violence occurred during the life of this Shawnee warrior and leader of Indians from many tribes.
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