The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System by
James Rickards
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
I read this book after watching a video that advertised Rickard's books. He gave explanations for my own observations after the Recession of 2008 and our government's and Federal Reserves's actions since that time.
I remember how volatile markets were in their churning motions every time Geithner or Bernacke issued a statement. My own plan for living off the interest of ladders of Treasury Notes is no longer feasible. How can I help my grandchildren save for their future college expenses when available interest rates are less than inflation rates? To put it bluntly, we middle-class savers are screwed. Rickard suggests, "These solutions involve breaking banks into units that are not too big to fail; returning to a system of regional stock exchanges, to provide redundancy; and reintroducing gold into the monetary system since gold cannot be wiped out in a digital flash." Rickard suggests gold; land; actively managed hedge funds (but don't you have to be an accreditied investor?); fine art; and cash (Singapore dollars, Canadian Dollars, US Dollars, and Euros.
This book is worth reading.
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