The second weekend in December has become the traditional weekend for the Christmas weekend with Host's Family at the home of his parents. Son's family arrived on Friday night. Our carload arrived on Saturday in time to watch three basketball games while we caught up on family news and ate cookies. The rest of the family arrived in time for the 6PM traditional feast of tossed salad, baked chicken breasts, dressing, cheesy potatoes, green beans, and dinner rolls.
Host takes pictures of many combinations of family groups, even if his niece grows impatient with the delay of gift-opening. He used a tripod to get himself in the family shot but Grandson is hidden behind Daughter. The digital image on the camera could not reveal that problem until he downloaded it to the computer at home.
Gift-opening order was selected by the month of the birthdays. My Staples gift card paid for the photocopying of my Christmas letter this week.
Grandson looked adorable in his Santa bib and also in his Santa's Helper suit.
Dessert was cheesecake and a raspberry log.
Sunday activities was a gathering at home of Host's Sister. A 1500-piece puzzle was started and left incomplete by those of us who had to travel distances yet that day. We learned to play "Shut the Box" and had two good games of Left-Right-Center. She fixed a brunch-feast for twelve people. Her husband had to work but that empty chair was filled by Niece's Special Friend who happens to be a guy.
We arrived at our home by 9PM.
Rhys Bowen on Being an Accidental Expert
23 hours ago
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