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I'm a reader who enjoys posting comments and recommendations about the books I read. You will not find a synopsis with my recommendations because you can just click on the book title for a link to www.goodreads.com for a synopsis and reviews by other readers. I prefer the 3 Reason format: the reason I chose to read it; the reason I liked (or disliked) the book; and the reason I recommend it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Spring (Wheel of Time, #0)New Spring by Robert Jordan

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a prequel to what is now a thirteen book series that I am reading because my husband enjoys it. I could give it five stars for world-building, but fantasies annoy me when it takes this reader more than one line to understand that with the new chapter I am reading about a different set of characters in a different part of the world. That's just me but it is enough for me to say, 3 stars only!

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