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I'm a reader who enjoys posting comments and recommendations about the books I read. You will not find a synopsis with my recommendations because you can just click on the book title for a link to www.goodreads.com for a synopsis and reviews by other readers. I prefer the 3 Reason format: the reason I chose to read it; the reason I liked (or disliked) the book; and the reason I recommend it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Die Trying (Jack Reacher Series, #2)Die Trying by Lee Child

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed yet another book of the Jack Reacher series, and yet this book's first paragraph hooked me without Reacher being nearby.

"Nathan Rubin died because he got brave. Not the sustained kind of thing that wins you a medal in a war, but the split-second kind of blurting outrage that gets you killed on the street."

Thank you, Lee Child.

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