Don and I are awake by 6:15 A.M. to be ready to leave for Camden with enough time to talk to Mom and Dad before we leave at 8 A.M. with Patrick for CVG. We park at Fast Park between rows 13 and 14. Thirteen is our lucky number 13, so even if I forget to write it on the ticket I might still remember in nine days where we parked. Check-in procedures go smoother than Don expects. Yesterday, he was frustrated by American Airlines website in his attempts to print the boarding passes. The agent had to do one extra step: swipe the information strip for Don’s passport. The boarding passes print correctly. We are ready for boarding before 10AM, and departure time is 12:30PM.
During a two-hour wait, I would prefer to listen to an audio-book while I people watch. Patrick wants to talk so we listen.
When we arrive at JFK, we have enough time for a good meal. I eat a portabella vegetarian sandwich with a side salad, and drink a glass of Reisling wine. Don and Patrick eat well-made cheeseburgers and fries. They wait until we are on the plane to drink wine.
Patrick needs to be on one-side of the 3-seat middle and me on the other. I cross to the same aisle. Next time I’ll go the opposite way of Patrick’s choice and loading won’t be so difficult for the three of us. For the first time in a long time, this airline offered Don and me their vegan meal option we requested through the Expedia booking. We ate chick peas in a spicy curry with rice and broccoli, salad and honeydew melon slices while everybody else had a choice of chicken or pasta entrée. Ours looked more colorful and fresh. I read most of Hunt at the Well of Eternity, and I sleep when I can. During our 7-hour plus going through 6 time zones flight the in-flight movies have no audio. The second movie is True Grit, and the cinematography conveys much of the story and mood without the dialogue.
Rhys Bowen on Being an Accidental Expert
12 hours ago
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