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Thursday, October 13, 2011

12 Oct 2011 Carcassonne

Carcassone was the first place we knew we wanted to visit on this trip. It is a World Heritage Site and it is the third-most-visited tourist destination in France. We are lucky to be there off-season so we do not feel crushed by tourists. La Cite de Carcassonne forms the largest group of ancient and medieval urban fortifications preserved in Europe. We watch the introductory movie, the English-speaking audio guides impress me for they are wirelessly synched to the movie so no matter when you enter the movie the audio matches the movie’s audio. We tour the Chateau de Comtal. Don is not allowed to use his tripod when he takes his pictures inside the Chateau de Comtal. There are two enclosures of rampart walls over an area of 7 hectares (17.3 acres.)
There are 48 towers, 4 barbicans (outer defense work at a gate or bridge) and 2 bartizans (projected lookout areas.) This walled city encloses a castle and two basilicas.
There are also more than 100 businesses to take your tourist Euros.
We are too busy being amazed at what we see to do much shopping.

We eat lunch at Le Trouvere where I have real French onion soup,
cassoulet (the regional cuisine made with white beans, duck and sausage)
and choice of dessert -chocolate ice cream or creme brulée. Wine was Vin de Pays des Cotes de Prouilhe Chardonnay 2010.

In the afternoon, we walk the length of the north ramparts
and then we walk between the inner and outer walls for a distance of about 2 miles.

As dusk approached, we walk to Pont Vieux (Old Bridge) across the Aude River for a view of La Cite lit up in the night sky.
A full moon provides additional light.

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