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Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Declutter Challenge: A Guided Journal for Getting your Home Organized in 30 Quick Steps (Guided Journal for Decorating, For Fans of Cluttered Mess and Zen as F*ck)The Declutter Challenge: A Guided Journal for Getting your Home Organized in 30 Quick Steps by Cassandra Aarssen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a guided journal. You will get out of it what you put into it by writing your reflections on the questions, suggestions, and do-it-now tasks.

The title says 30 Quick Steps but I need more than 30 days of 15-minute tasks to do what must be done to my stored sentimental items that I kept for my hobby of writing family history and genealogy, my hobby of organizing photos into digital copies that are tagged with the names of the people in the photos with the goal of making photo books, and my hobby of reading. I am making daily progress to reduce space these items have used in the past to make room to expand the storage for the art hobbies I had time to explore during the 2020 pandemic.

This book is helping me build on what I used from the information with Marie Kondo. I was really stuck when the category came to Sentimental and I stored too much stuff in my organized hobby closet and organized garage shelves. Other family members do not share my hobby of genealogy and my memories attached to what I stored. The time to declutter these totes is sooner rather than later. The time to organize with the goal of preparing the collection for an appropriate family history archive is sooner rather than later.

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