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I'm a reader who enjoys posting comments and recommendations about the books I read. You will not find a synopsis with my recommendations because you can just click on the book title for a link to www.goodreads.com for a synopsis and reviews by other readers. I prefer the 3 Reason format: the reason I chose to read it; the reason I liked (or disliked) the book; and the reason I recommend it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Broadmoor, 24-27 August 2010

Our 37th anniversary was celebrated with a trip to Colorado Springs where we stayed at the elegant Broadmoor. Yes, it was a splurge and a treat.
We had some expectations of what the property and its atmosphere must be like. Those expectations were reinforced by the research reading I finished before I left, Newport in the Rockies and Broadmoor Memories. I learned history of Court Pourtales, Julie and Spencer Penrose, and El Pomador Foundation. From its website I learned the business is currently organized as a sole proprietorship. This place earns its character from the dreams and visions of people for more than 100 years, and it is beloved.
Thanks for letting us be part of it for three nights.

Click The Broadmoor, 24-27 August 2010 to see thirteen more photos.

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